Construction Update April 21, 2023
4/21/2023: Paving now scheduled to begin early next week; New Traffic Control Measures; Construction Underway and Upcoming;Reminders: Forestview Creek Path and Piner High School bus stop
4/21/2023: Paving now scheduled to begin early next week; New Traffic Control Measures; Construction Underway and Upcoming;Reminders: Forestview Creek Path and Piner High School bus stop
4/14/2023: New Traffic Control Measures; Paving is scheduled to begin April 18; RCC installation schedule; Construction Underway and Upcoming; Reminders: Forestview Creek Path and Piner High School bus stop
THE PRESS DEMOCRAT, 4/10/2023: The portion of the road ― which runs from just south of Piner Road to the driveway of Youth Community Park and past Piner High School ― was expected to close Monday for paving but was pushed to April 18, Santa Rosa city communications director Jaime Smedes said Monday.
3/31/2023: New Traffic Control Measures; Construction Underway and Upcoming; Reminders: Forestview Creek Path and Piner High School bus stop
3/24/2023: New Traffic Control Measures; Construction Underway and Upcoming; Reminders: Forestview Creek Path and Piner High School bus stop
3/17/2023: New Traffic Control Measures; Construction Underway and Upcoming; Reminders: Forestview Creek Path and Piner High School bus stop
3/10/2023: New Traffic Control Measures; Construction Underway and Upcoming; Reminders: Forestview Creek Path and Piner High School bus stop
3/3/2023: New Traffic Control Measures; Construction Underway and Upcoming; Reminders: Forestview Creek Path and Piner High School bus stop
2/24/2023: Upcoming Traffic Control Measures; Construction Underway and Upcoming; Reminders: Forestview Creek Path and Piner High School bus stop
2/17/2023: Upcoming Traffic Control Measures; Construction Underway and Upcoming; Reminders: Forestview Creek Path and Piner High School bus stop