In this issue:
- Upcoming Traffic Control Measures
- Construction Underway and Upcoming
- Reminders: Forestview Creek Path and Piner High School bus stop
Upcoming Traffic Control Measures
With a start tentatively anticipated for February, crews will be installing “roller-compacted concrete” (RCC) on Fulton Road. During that period of work, additional traffic control measures will be put into place, with potentially significant temporary traffic delays anticipated. The schedule for this work is dependent on weather – more information will be provided in the coming weeks.
Construction Underway and Upcoming
HOLIDAY WORK HOURS: There is no work scheduled for December 26 and January 2 due to the winter holiday.
All schedules are subject to change due to weather and unforeseen circumstances; when traveling in and near the construction areas, use additional caution and be aware of work crews, flaggers, traffic control, rough roadways, special signage, and heavy equipment. Please be prepared for temporary traffic control measures throughout the work area. Road construction is currently paused due to rain. However, if there are breaks in the weather work will include the following:
- As part of their regularly scheduled maintenance program, PG&E will soon begin replacing a gas line on the west side of Fulton Road between Jenes Lane and Appletree Drive. This work is not part of the Fulton Road Widening project. PG&E scheduled the work to overlap with the widening project in order to minimize further disruptions to the public.
- Construction crews are currently installing new driveways at several locations along the construction site.
- Installation of new light posts and traffic signals is currently underway and will continue through December.
- At various locations within the work area, crews are preparing the subgrade, as well as forming and pouring new curbs and gutters as they continue installing sidewalks along Fulton Road.
- Crews are currently in the process of connecting water lines to new fire hydrants being installed.
- As of early August, the Forestview Creek path is closed 24/7 from Fulton Road to Country Manor Drive, for the construction of a retaining wall and other concrete work near the creek.
For the protection of the creek and habitat, State environmental regulations establish the seasonal periods during which concrete work can take place in or near a creek (including the potential for rain). Crews have been working to complete those elements before the end of the allowed period, however, it is now very likely that work at the creek will be suspended until that “window” opens again in late spring of 2023.
Therefore, the Forestview Creek path is likely to remain closed to public use until late spring/early summer of 2023. An update will be provided once the anticipated schedule is finalized. We apologize for any disruption or inconvenience that this extension of the path closure may cause. As an alternative, path users may want to consider using the Peterson Creek path between Guerneville Road and Fulton Road.
- Piner High School bus stop – Starting this week the northbound temporary bus stop has been relocated back to a location near the original bus stop location, just south of the main Piner High School entrance. Work is still underway on the new bus stop at this location with an estimated reopening this winter. For general bus service information please visit Santa Rosa CityBus.

Project overview and schedule
This project will widen, reconstruct, and rehabilitate one mile of Fulton Road between Guerneville Road and Piner Road, transforming it into an updated, four-lane regional/arterial street, as well as provide many other improvements. The project is expected to continue for approximately 18 – 24 months (all schedules are subject to change depending on weather, unanticipated circumstances, and seasonal access restrictions to creek areas).
Work hours: 7 am to 7 pm Monday through Friday. With City approval, periodic work on nights (8:30 pm to 5:00 am) or weekends may take place.
Additional project overview and overall schedule information is online at