In this issue:
- Location and Impacts of Paving Operations
- Sidewalk and Bike Lane Closure
- Construction Underway and Upcoming
- Reminders: Forestview Creek Path and Piner High School bus stop
The first phase of roller-compacted concrete (RCC) paving on Fulton Road was completed on June 2. The second phase is expected to resume in the middle of July.
Upon completion of the RCC later in the year crews will perform a final assessment of the new pavement to detect any uneven portions of the road surface. Any ridges, indentations, or other defects requiring attention will be addressed with a diamond-griding method used to smooth out the pavement surface.
Beginning Tuesday next week crews will resume grinding and removing asphalt from the Fulton Road northbound lane between Jenes Lane and Piner Road. While this work is underway traffic will be shifted into the Fulton Road southbound lane along this same stretch. Motorists traveling in the area should use caution and be aware of any traffic control measures in place.
Work in the Fulton Road entrance to the Raley’s parking lot is expected to be completed by Monday of next week. Once completed, cars will be able to enter and exit the parking lot as normal from this entrance. However, work is expected to continue in the area and additional traffic control measures are likely to remain in place.
Sidewalk and Bike Lane Closure
The sidewalk and bike lane on the east side of Fulton Road between Appletree Drive and the Piner High School south access driveway are currently closed to pedestrians and cyclists. Piner High School students that need to access the southbound bus stop should cross at the Piner High School north access crosswalk.
Construction Underway and Upcoming
When traveling in and near the construction areas, use additional caution and be aware of work crews, flaggers, traffic control, rough roadways, special signage, and heavy equipment. Please be prepared for temporary traffic control measures throughout the work area. Upcoming construction work will include continuation of:
- Installation of new streetlight posts, traffic signals, and other electrical work.
- Asphalt grinding in preparation for repaving.
- Installation of RCC pavement.
- Construction of new driveways at several locations.
- Preparation of the subgrade, and forming and pouring new curbs, gutters, and sidewalks at various locations.
- Installation of “low-impact development” environmental features such as bioswales (linear, vegetated ditches accommodating the collection, conveyance, filtration, and infiltration of stormwater) in various locations.
All schedules are subject to change due to weather and unforeseen circumstances.
- Starting this week the Forestview Creek path from Fulton Road to Country Manor Drive has been reopened to the public.
- Piner High School bus stop – The northbound temporary bus stop has been relocated back to the original bus stop location, just south of the main Piner High School entrance. For general bus service information please visit Santa Rosa CityBus. The southbound bus stop will remain at its current temporary location near Jenes Lane while the repaving process is underway.

Project overview and schedule
This project will widen, reconstruct, and rehabilitate one mile of Fulton Road between Guerneville Road and Piner Road, transforming it into an updated, four-lane regional/arterial street, as well as provide many other improvements. The project is expected to continue for approximately 18 – 24 months (all schedules are subject to change depending on weather, unanticipated circumstances, and seasonal access restrictions to creek areas).
Work hours: 7 am to 7 pm Monday through Friday. With City approval, periodic work on nights (8:30 pm to 5:00 am) or weekends may take place.
Additional project overview and overall schedule information is online at